As an essayist, I’m working on research considering the manipulation of Hollywood movies. This is nothing new; there are many books about it. But there is always something to learn. In a way, sociology has been weaponized by Hollywood and it is well known that many Hollywood producers officially collaborate with the Pentagon. This means that screenplays go to the Pentagon where analysts advise them in terms of political agenda. The Pentagon offers a lot of help in exchange for this collaboration. Continue reading
Tag Archives: USA
by Roberto Quaglia
The big question of today’s global geopolitics is whether the world will go towards a unipolar world indefinitely dominated by the USA (Americans proudly – or arrogantly – call this Full Spectrum Dominance) or instead will move towards a multipolar world where different centres of power coexist.
From the economic point of view the world is already multipolar, the US share of the world gross product being just around 18% (2013 data), and constantly decreasing. So how come the US is still so dominant globally? Its gigantic military budget is not the reason, since you can’t realistically bomb the whole world. Continue reading
A book by Roberto Quaglia – 600 pages of modern and enlightening heresy
This is a book about the Myth of September 11. About the facts and the motives behind this myth, the smokescreens of the war of perception and the psychology and insanity connected with this. To expose this myth completely is a modern blasphemy, an unbearable heresy; it’s the Satanic Verses of Western Democracy.
This is a taboo argument that cannot be freely discussed on TV, in the press or in Parliaments. As more and more people stop believing in the dogmatic Official Version of the events of September 11, 2001, an increasingly sophisticated manipulation of social attitudes is necessary to keep Western institutions from crumbling under the weight of their own contradictions. Continue reading