by Roberto Quaglia –
After Trump’s victory in the American presidential election, Gianluigi Paragone led an episode of the show “The Open Cage” where, among others, faced Giulietto Chiesa and Marcello Foa, two very different journalists, with radically different origins and stories, two different political backgrounds, in short, two people who, according to the logic in which we grew up, would disagree on just about everything.
Instead, analyzing, not only the outcome of the American elections, but the entire contemporary international political landscape, Chiesa and Foa’s vision matched in a surprising way. Surprisingly, according to the old way of understanding politics, but so not surprising according to the paradigm of the 2.0 Politics.
Politics that we are used to, we could call the 1.0 Politics, is now over. It was the politics of ideologies that are no longer there, in a society made up of people with group identities that are disappearing, placed in a world without the internet that no longer exists, where the shared reality created by the media was undeniable, which, thanks to the Internet no longer exists.
Of course, the 1.0 politics has its fair share of inertia and will cause important damages within the convulsions of its agony. Of course we do not know how the 2.0 politics will be. We can’t predict the future. But we know that its increased traction force will come from aggregating power of the network. And that, above all, it could not be independent from reality, at least not to the extent that the reality, today, is independent from 1.0 Politics.
In his dystopian manifestation, instead, the policy 2.0 will be an almost deterministic mechanism, able to use big data to formulate psychometric images of each of us, which will allow to hit us with personal political marketing, able to seduce us without fail. The last frontier of populism, in practice. The promises, that will not regularly maintained, customized for every citizen.
I explained, in a couple of my previous speeches, the drift towards the unreal undertaken by the political-journalistic Western mainstream in recent years. False representations of the world and about what’s happening, that caused a real schism in the way Western populations perceive the world.
One must realize that the extent of the change under way compares to the collapse of the Soviet system. An entire way of viewing the world is rapidly tearing apart in the West, and the Western public is mostly divided in two.
Some people holds on blinders hoping to retain a quiet life following the Pied Piper of the mainstream in his disastrous adventure towards the unreal, in a world of lies where the real and the unreal are systematically overturned, and there are those who got rid of the blinders, woke up from sleeping and finally accept the uncomfortable burden of living in the real world and deal critically with myths and monsters that the mainstream shows to their eyes. I refer to the misleading monsters, created on purpose, to terrorize us so then we implore protection, the fake Russian threat, the fake or contrived terrorist threat – mechanisms wonderfully described in the BBC documentary “The Power of Nightmares”, produced by Adam Curtis in 2004, perhaps coming from the swansong of the old BBC that produced great contents. Even if the movie is reticent regarding some issues, however, it is very instructive and I recommend it to everyone. You can find it on the net.
What does it mean that such a high percentage and growing citizen in the West, not only does not feel in any way represented by the existing political forces, but is now emancipated from the misleading world of lies erected by the media?
It means many things, but what is interesting here is that it has opened a new, enormous empty political space. Nobody already well represents this growing mass of citizens who understood the deception of mainstream narrative and that has forever burn the bridges with it.
It ‘a real movement, even if no one, up to now, has yet well defined it. The guardians of the status quo exorcise this movement calling “conspiracy theorists” all those who only come close to it. Suspected of being conspiracy theorists.
It’s enough to just cross over from the perimeter of mainstream thinking in order to be identified, with the magical connotation of the new language, the insult of modern ostracism: “conspiracy”.
And so the proclaimed conspiracy theorists, the hardcore conspiracy theorists, the crazy conspiracy theorists, but also moderate conspiracy theorists, and above all the “normal” people with the occasional temptation of being conspiracy theorists every once in a while.
Have you ever started a speech with the words “I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but …” – Bravo! Bravo! Congratulations for your “he who excuses himself, accuses himself” fear of being branded with the mark of the new pariahs, huh !?
And the more misleading reality mainstream flakes, the more guardians of the status quo desperately extend magical insults like “conspiracy theorists” to entire portions of citizens, pseudoscientific and ranting articles are published on leading publications where they are trying to doubt on the mental health of anyone who stops believing in their unnatural myths and their artificial reality. The model is to lock up dissidents in a mental hospital, just like the Soviet Union, and if you cannot do it physically, you do it ideally, symbolically. But there’s a problem. In the West, dissidents, those who no longer believe in the hypnotic dances staged by puppet masters, in myths sold as true facts, in false flag attacks sold as attacks from an enemy that does not exist, grow at impressive speed. Fifteen years ago we were few, today we are millions. We are a significant percentage of the population. The magic word of “conspiracy” ostracism loses its efficiency day by day and then here comes the establishment desperately trying to coin new magic words. “Faked news” – is one of the latest – false news, all that is not the truth revealed by their media now becomes “false news” – by definition. If some news is not told by them, it does not exist, it is false. And maybe even invented by Putin. Anyone with even just two working neurons would be affected by the extent of this delirium. On the other hand, the history of humanity is full of impressive delusions, so nothing new, but history itself teaches us that every delirium, sooner or later, leads to crash into the wall of reality.
2.0 Politics do not play any more in the small theatre of comparing ideologies, but in the wider theater of actually competing. The clash is not between different interpretations of reality, but between different perceptions of reality, we are a step higher – but what a big step!
In 2.0 Politics the political dissident is no longer who considers the current political model wrong, but who considers unrealistic the representation of the mainstream world. Dissident 2.0 wears the robes of the ancient heretic and this explains why the mainstream, rather than trying to fight back to the challenges that it presents, prefers to call himself a “madman”.
The fact is though, that this so-called “madmen”, you can call them conspiracy theorists, you call them dissidents, choose the label you prefer, they are more and more every day. We are growing. We are now so many that we create a political space on its own.
We are therefore a new political space, a space made up of millions of citizens escaped from the great general lie, we’re very different among us, there are people among us who feel leftists, there are people that feel conservative , centrists or members of other tribes, but we have in common the most important thing: we woke up from the sleep of reason, and we no longer believe in the Big Lie in which the West is sinking and in all the small, sometimes outrageous, sometimes ridiculous, lies that serve as a seasoning to the main dish. Albeit with different ideas and beliefs – we all come together in a new reality. A new political space that is not yet a political entity, and has therefore logically, entirely, no representation.
So what do we do in this new space, in this new reality?
Some people speak, some people write, some people get informed, but above all … we complain. Complaint is a common denominator. But what does it mean to complain? In our case it means to hope and wish that somebody applies the politics which seem most appropriate and passively regret the fact that politics are not applied in an appropriate way, but did not take any positive steps to ensure that our wishes come true. It is not exactly the best. So why, instead of complaining, which it is useless and does not change anything, don’t we do anything? Or if we already do something, why don’t we roll up our sleeves and do more?
And I do not mean to do so by arguing, that seems a favorite hobby for all. One does not have time to get rid of the quagmire of the mainstream lies, and soon finds himself embroiled in a thousand quarrels with the other freed, bickering about what is true and what is false, what is right and what is wrong, and so on and on. Great! Basically, a homemade “divide and conquer”, in other words, we are divided and they conquer at our expenses . But how smart we are, damn.
If we instead focused our energies on the great things that unite us, rather than on little things that divide us, maybe we could do something.
In short, either we take some initiative or cease to complain, which is undignified.
Whether we like it or not we are a movement, a movement towards the real, because we have moved and continue to move towards the real, and we are already millions and the number of people like us continues to grow. Of course, there are also people among us who are out of their minds, but some imbalance is physiological when you need to deal with the fact that all of your previous reference points, your favorite news, the newspapers you’ve browsed for years, they have always fooled you around, they have lied to you and now that you know it they are not worth it anymore. It is a trauma that creates uncertainty and confusion. It takes a little elasticity and understanding.
We can also continue to pretend to believe that this movement, which exists and it is undeniable, it is not a political movement, but for how long?
It is better to wake up and understand that 2.0 politics are really different from the one that we are used to, and many of its features are still unknown, they are emerging features, as the bard “only time will tell”.
Se non daremo forma a quelle parti della politica 2.0 di cui stiamo parlando, allora le altre parti, quelle della politica 2.0 distopiche ci travolgeranno e non avremo più scampo, quelle di cui non ho parlato. Quelle tremende che usano i big data per entrarvi nel cervello e ottenere il vostro consenso.
Let us take a look at the old world of 1.0 Politics crumbling:
The fake left wing, fake right wing and fake centrists are all united and compact towards heretics, which would be us because we do not buy their stories and performances anymore.
But we are all divided. They are united, we are divided into a thousand cliques.
And it is here that we realize that the real political battle today has nothing to do with the categories of right and left wings of the past. Today the comparison is made between the actual different worlds, not between different interpretations of reality, but between real different perceptions of reality.
The classic categories of politics – for example the socialist approach against the free-market approach and vice versa, are outclassed by the emerging categories of a higher order – the true and the false, the real against the unreal – and vice versa! It is no longer a battle of opinions, but of perceptions!
Let’s be clear in order to avoid any misunderstanding: the differences that separate people who feel left wing by those who feel right wing really exist and it will always exists, and differences in mentality, the attitude to life and society, cultural differences, intellectuals, social background, family traditions, convenience, in other words anthropological differences that reflect a duality and we find these differences everywhere in the world and these differences will never leave. However, these are differences in interpretation coming from the same perceived reality. But the emerging real division in the Western world today is between those who live in the world created by the mainstream media and the one who is emancipated and do not live there anymore.
Ed è per questo che, come ho detto all’inizio per fare un esempio, oggi possiamo avere due giornalisti così diversi tra loro come Giulietto Chiesa e Marcello Foa, dalla stessa parte della barricata. E in America possiamo avere per esempio un Paul Craig Roberts, ex membro del governo di Reagan, che però oggi è sullo stesso fronte di un Michel Chossudovsky, professore canadese di tutt’altra estrazione e direttore del sito Global Research, qui lo vedete insieme a Fidel Castro, tanto per rendere l’idea. Nella politica 2.0 la logica degli schieramenti è cambiata, ha fatto un salto di qualità e prima lo capiremo tutti, meglio sarà.
I avoid to include the 5 Stars Movement in this reasoning, since they constitute another more complex reality and the Movement is now turning into a party. The movement towards the real that I observe and I talk about overlaps in some of its areas with the people from the 5 Stars Movement, or with parts of its base, but certainly not in others. The 5 Stars Movement phenomenon is certainly fueled by the existence of this movement, as well as the Party of Pirates and other anti-system formations in other countries.
Probably the initiative to give an outline and a unified identity to this great movement that already exists should start with those that convey information independently, since this great schism within the Western society has been generated from them, the free movement of non-aligned information. Anyone working in this project should understand that, in order to make this movement recognize itself in the definition that it should be given to, it is necessary that we proceed with maximum clarity, which means defining the movement exclusively for the lowest common denominator that unites all those who are part of it, in other words by the very fact of being processed and exclusive from the world illusion painted by mainstream with its lies. It seems little, but it is actually a lot. We are talking about two completely different worlds. If everyone will want to project on moving all our own personal issues, ideological legacy, or whatever, the project is intended to immediately fail. The “divide and conquer” do-it-yourself is not a good idea.
The movement – the one existing now, is already there, but has not yet seen itself in the mirror, it is not baptized, it has not recognized itself as an entity, it is a cross-party movement, trans-ideological and trans-national. All this must be taken into account.
I cannot predict what could be a destination or a clear purpose of this movement, because the movement itself will decide, even if we grant for the sake of argument that this movement acknowledges to be a movement and becomes aware of itself. But we can try to trigger this awareness and this aggregation, supporting it and accompanying it until it will stand on its own legs. It is fundamental to note that the movement exists, it is useful and important to help it to be called for what it is and nothing more. The definition will be a work in progress.
Nor can I predict what name will this movement take, provisionally I like to call it “Stop the madness,” although this expression mocks to an ephemeral political cameo of some time ago. What is important to understand is that it is a movement towards the real. And it is time to do something concrete to stop the mainstream madness, before this leads us to certain tragedy.
We begin to outline the profile of the political space that has been created around us and try to count on it. We might be more than we think we are.
Orwell’s phrase is often cited: in times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act, and if we try to say it out loud all together, instead of fighting against each other, the revolutionary efficiency gains.
English Translation by Fabrizio Fantoni
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